Progressive Overload

By David Nogle, I.S.S.A. Certified Personal Trainer, I.S.S.A. Certified Nutrition Coach, Runner Today I want to write about the process of becoming a more fit person. Doesn’t that sound vague? Well, it is. This topic is a dive into a process called “progressive...

Why Do We Run?

By David Nogle: I.S.S.A. Certified Personal Trainer, I.S.S.A. Certified Nutrition Coach, Runner One may find it interesting that so many people love running as much as they do. While many people are trying to find any reason to be motivated to get exercise or movement...

PRG Podcast Interview with Jeff Miller

The Performance Running Gym Podcast Episode 7: Jeff Miller Interview  Jeff Miller is a lifetime endurance athlete, running coach, and a friend to many in the Midwest trail and ultrarunning community. He holds three grandmasters titles at the hyper competitive Superior...