
PRG Podcast Interview with Jeff Miller

The Performance Running Gym Podcast Episode 7: Jeff Miller Interview  Jeff Miller is a lifetime endurance athlete, running coach, and a friend to many in the Midwest trail and ultrarunning community. He holds three grandmasters titles at the hyper competitive Superior...

5 Ab Exercises That Beat Crunches

By Aaron Boike, B.S. Kinesiology, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, NESCA Certified Running and Ultrarunning Coach | Personal Trainers in Edina MN There is no muscle group that gets quite the level of attention that the abs do. Everyone wants a strong, toned, and...

Finding The Right Running Race For You

By Bobbi Patrick, PRG Personal Trainer and Running Coach Spring race season is fast approaching and I think most of us are feeling the pressure of signing up for at least one race we want to train for. Let’s talk through how to best prepare for your upcoming race...