Finding The Right Running Race For You

By Bobbi Patrick, PRG Personal Trainer and Running Coach Spring race season is fast approaching and I think most of us are feeling the pressure of signing up for at least one race we want to train for. Let’s talk through how to best prepare for your upcoming race...

Stress and Running

There are many forms of stress in our lives as runners. Of course, we have the stress we place on our bodies when we run. But there are many other types of stress we need to account for to maximize our running potential. Here are some tips on how to properly account...

Bodyweight Exercise Routine

Maintaining your fitness at home Worried about losing all your hard-earned fitness while your gym is closed? If you can do this workout 2-3 times per week, it will go a long way toward maintaining your current fitness level. Minimal to no equipment needed, just some...

Garbage in Garbage out

As runners, we often expect a lot from our bodies. We head out for extended periods of time on the roads or the trails for our long runs. We push hard during intense speed sessions. We work hard in the weight room (hopefully!). Some days, our body responds well to...